What is the power of the laser fibre source?

The choice ranges from 500 W to 20 KW. There are even more power sources available, but as a rule they are rarely used in production.
Meanwhile, low-power fibre laser sources have become less popular. This is due to the popularity of laser metal cutting machines in the world market and the rise of competitors. 500, 700 and 1000 watt laser fibre sources have expired or are in the process of expiring. The 3 kW fibre laser source is the choice for those cutting steel or other thicker sheet metal. Alternatively, the 3 kW fibre laser source is also suitable for those cutting large volumes of sheet steel or other materials that are continuously loaded in high speed cuts. As we have already mentioned, the fibre laser source does not require expensive and frequent maintenance. It is an enclosed unit that is installed in the laser sheet metal cutting machine. A transmission fibre comes out of it and transmits the laser to the laser head.
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Posted in Default Category on January 30 2023 at 04:10 PM

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