Which Ayurveda Medicine is the best for Weight loss?

Obesity is quite a challenging health concern and dealing with it can be quite difficult for most people. Often people suffering from obesity start looking for ayurvedic options as these help you get the desired result without any side effects. Ayurvedic weight loss is a very natural way that help people lose weight. They work in several different ways including boosting the metabolism and reducing hunger by suppressing the appetite. Ayurvedic weight loss medicines have several health benefits. These can range from being just a natural alternative to diet pills that have chemicals in them. These kinds of diet pills are available in the market. The natural ways of losing weight help in balancing the PH levels of the body and also treat the side effects that might come due to exercise and diet regimen. The keto advanced weight loss capsules can also help you lose weight.

Ayurvedic Herbs or Plants that Help in Controlling Obesity

Some of the most popular plants that help in reducing obesity are Brahmi, Triphala, and Garcinia Cambogia. You can get them easily from turmeric, fresh curry leaves, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper. Guggul, which is a gum resin made from the Commiphora mukul tree, is also a natural substance that once purified and processed can treat the disorders of the fat metabolism. Studies show that these can also break down the fat cells. Some of the other herbs that can help in weight loss include Viyasar, black cumin, and Kalonji.

Best Ayurvedic Practices that help in Managing Obesity

The best Ayurvedic practices that help in managing obesity are:

  • Fasting

Fasting is often linked to several religious beliefs, but this also serves other purposes. At the time of fasting, we cut down on the consumption of food. This minimizes the calorie intake and the body keeps burning calories in one way or the other. It is however important to ensure that you do not fast frequently for long hours. This might lead to dehydration and a lack of nutrition.

  • Decrease the consumption of calories

You shouldn't eliminate carbohydrates or fats from your diet, however, to manage obesity you might have to decrease the amount of calorie intake in your body. It will be good if you keep a check on the amount of calorie intake each day with your respective diet.

  • Practice Yoga and Pranayama

Yoga and pranayama are very effective ayurvedic methods that help in losing and maintaining weight. Several yoga asanas help in managing weight and obesity. Pranayama not only helps you lose weight, it has a positive impact on the overall stamina and helps in a thorough cleansing of the respiratory system.

  • Maintain a Healthy Routine

Another reason for obesity is disturbed routine and sleep cycle. These habits first of all encourage individuals to consume more calories. Moreover, if the routine is disturbed that might disturb the digestive cycle and health leading to constipation, indigestion, and several other health issues.

  • Avoid Vegetables that have a high Carb content

During your weight loss journey, you should avoid the intake of high-carbohydrate vegetables like potatoes, corn, etc. as these can increase your obesity. It is also advisable that you reduce the intake of rice during this time.

Tips to follow that will help you lose weight the Ayurvedic way

To lose weight the Ayurvedic way, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

    • Avoid rice, fat-rich food like milk, and milk products like paneer, cheese, butter, and ghee. You should also not consume refined wheat flour or refined oil. Shedding weight the natural way is the best for your body.
    • Only eat when you are hungry. Avoid overeating.
  • Do not snack between meals as most of the snacks are unhealthy and might lead to weight gain. When hungry, you can eat fruits and nuts. You can also add herbal weight loss products to your diet.
  • You should follow a proper routine for going to sleep, waking up, eating, and also include some physical activity. This will help in improving the metabolism rate of your body.
  • A deep and sound sleep for 8 hours a day will keep your body refreshed and will also help in effective metabolism.


If you are looking to lose weight, the keto advanced weight loss capsules can prove to be highly beneficial for you. Ayurveda draws upon century-old knowledge and emphasizes the holistic approach to health. It not only considers what we eat but also considers how we eat, our unique body constitution, and our lifestyle. There are several tools offered by Ayurveda and apart from that the Ayurveda herbal weight loss products stand out.



Posted in Default Category on September 11 2024 at 07:54 AM

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